Have you ever really thought about where your Happy Place is? Where do you like to be the most and what do you like to do the most?
I got asked the other night after the Power2B.Me Discovering His Divine Intention session where my Happy Place was.
I had to pause for a moment because I never really thought about it. I have many things I like to do, and I am usually happy doing them. But where was my Happy Place, where is the place I get the most joy?
As I thought where is my happy place, I began to get really emotional when the realization hit me. It reminded me of this quote I saved from Instagram, "God pulled you out of the pit, so you can go back in and get more people out. Don't forget that."
God had pulled me out of the pit of emotional, mental and spiritual abusive self-loathing and stinkin' thinkin'. He gave me a renewed Power and Strength through Him to not only take my power back but so I could go back in to get more people out!
Crying I answered their question, "My Happy Place was right here doing what I was doing, helping others take their power back!"
When I was home, I began to thank God for being asked the question and for giving me this opportunity to serve others and do what He had intended for me.
As I was talking with Him, He also showed me that the situations I have encountered in the past and some recently although they were not good and it hurt, He was using them to strengthen me to continue to do His work.
He wanted me to recognize why it hurt differently now than before. It was not for the reason I thought, it was not that it hurt me personally. My heart was actually hurting for them, not me. My eyes were opened, I was seeing them the way He sees them. I was seeing their hurt, and their potential of what He intends for them. I had a stronger compassion for them.
But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, nor on the height of his stature, because I have refused him: for God seeth not as man seeth: for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord beholdeth the heart. I Samuel 16:7
I praise Him and know He is going to use me more and more to bring many blessing to others. As I continue to be faithful to Him, serving others through Him, I will never forget that when I continue to go back into the pit to get more wonderful people out.
God knows what's best for us. I pray we trust the plan and step into his perfect peace!
For I know the thoughts, that I have thought towards you, saith the Lord, even the thoughts of peace, and not of trouble, to give you an end, and your hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Think about your Happy Place! Is it focused on the Father God and living for Jesus. Where are you the happiest? I'd love to hear where your happy place is and why!
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