On October 3rd I began sharing A healthier ~ body, mind, and soul. I continue to work at maintaining a healthier well-being by choosing more Holistic health choices, using natural herbs, spices, essential oils, and other God given remedies. Going Natural
I have normally had bad side effects with most medication that I have taken. I have been working hard to begin taking natural supplements and drinking benefiting herbal teas. I still have a way to go but when I went for my annual Medicare physical in 2023 my doctor was delighted that my blood work was perfect, and my blood pressure was the best it ever has been since I had been going to him.
I continue to learn more and more about the benefits of black seed oil, cayenne pepper, and the other natural remedies. The benefit of using products for my body, hygiene and health that are free of chemicals, especially free of sodium laurel sulfate.
Castor oil has been an amazing discovery. I want to share a few of the things that I have been doing with castor oil. I have been watching Dr. Barbara O’Neill’s videos, they are fantastic if you want to begin a natural approach.
I must get a shot for diabetic retinopathy. Starting out every 9 weeks, the doctor said I would probably never be able to go over 12 weeks. I began to put castor oil on my eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes every night for only about 4 of those 9 weeks. When I returned for my shot, he said my eye was doing so well that I would not have to come back for 13 weeks. I just went January 11th and still 13 weeks. No bleeds in my eyes and good vision.
Not sure when I began using a castor oil hair mixture. I began noticing how long my hair was getting, I realized my hair had not been able to grow this long since I was in 6th grade. It would get shoulder length but not past that.
Since November I have been using a castor oil mixture for my face. After just 2 days I began to see a noticeable difference. The recipes for both are with the pictures.
I am grateful to Holistic Springs Herb Co ladies in Excelsior Springs for teaching me great things to do to help maintain all this. Oh, and yes, still use my Healy and WavWatch routinely everyday. They are incredibly beneficial to the overall well-being.
My next goal is to begin to focus on what I put into my body and getting my blood sugar under control. Sugar and I need to break up. Plus, with so many pesticides on our food, GMO (Bioengineered food products) and other horrible things in everything we eat and use on our bodies. I want to be more aware of everything I put in and on my body.
I continue to learn more every day and give praise to the Lord for every discovery on this Going Natural journey.
Love to all!

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