Frequency Invigoration
Today's Wellness is
Frequency based
Our bodies contain certain frequencies in the form of energy. Those frequencies can go “out of tune” at times, which causes pain, discomfort, or stress.
Everything has an energetic frequency, which can be measured in MHz.
Disease also has a frequency, which is usually a lower vibration, while health is of a higher vibrational frequency. Disease can't exist in a higher vibrational frequency environment.
As well as physical benefits in alleviating discomfort and conditions, and speeding up the healing process, frequencies can also help to balance your meridians, your aura, and your chakras, as well as cleanse and purify your mind, body and soul.
Hopefully you can see how energy and frequency are not principles that we should write off as New Age but look to God's Word and how they are a part of His Creation and a part of our spiritual, emotional, and physical health.
In order to change your life, you first must identify the outside negative, limiting thoughts and beliefs that cause fear, guilt, shame, hopelessness, feelings of defeat, doubt, and sickness.
Reprogram your beliefs by speaking what agrees with who Christ says you are with energizing, life-giving words of power.
It is so incredibly important that we, as God's children, understand energy and frequency.

Nikola Tesla said that if you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered with our own electrical frequencies, we would have greater disease resistance.

Frequency Invigoration
You don't have to be a doctor or a practitioner to use it and get the benefits from it.
With the Healy and WAVWatch I have helped myself, friends, and others hurting improve the harmony of our bodies and maintain a greater overall wellness.
These devices can aid in the rebalancing and recovery of any condition we might deal with.
They can also be of support for specific health or performance goals you want to reach.
Plus, they are wearable so you can take them anywhere you go. Not good in water though!

- In-house Invigoration sessions
- Come to the office, relax in the big comfy chair and enjoy the benefits of Healy, MagHealy or the WavWatch
- Session time depends on the number and length of program choices.
- Virtual Vibrations
- The Healy is capable of producing virtual vibrations. You can get the benefits without leaving your home.
- Specifically designed sessions
- We will determine together what will benefit your specific needs the best.
- Training on how to use the Healy and WavWatch to help meet your wellness goals.
- I can work with you and a timewaver to provide expert programs for specific needs.
- If you decide to purchase any of the devices, I provide ongoing training and assistance. Also share specific protocols I have learned and provide tools to track and maintain the maximum benefits of the protocols.
Note: Sessions cost ranges based on session time and number of program choices.

The WAVwatch,
the world's first sound frequency therapy watch.

The WAVwatch uses sound therapy to send very specific sounds to retune and realign the energy in your body. The sounds are quickly and safely absorbed through your skin and make their way throughout your entire body.
Since the sounds are absorbed through your skin, there is no need for headphones or any other extra equipment. The WAVwatch has a speaker at the bottom which contacts your arm.
There’s also no need to blast the volume to anything above level 8. Your body will absorb the vibrations and accept the sound even if you can barely hear it.
Using sound frequency therapy to balance your system and solve common self-care problems!
There are 1000+ effective sound frequencies for common health problems like pain, chronic pain, cold & flu, detox, inflammation, and more.
It’s easy, affordable, and completely safe!
NO WIFI USED in the WAVwatch
Thousands of people have found incredible success using the WAVwatch. Why not you too?
The WAVwatch is perfect!

The Healy and the MagHealy
The Healy is a revolutionary holistic wellbeing frequency device cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and used to balance the body's bioenergetic field and activate your body's self-healing capacity, supporting your body's optimum performance and overall wellness.
The Healy offers between 7 and 224 programs with 144,000 frequencies to support and harmonize your body, your organs, your mental state, your emotional being and your soul well-being.
Expert programs can also be added.

What is the Difference between the Healy Device and the MagHealy?
The Healy Device focuses on the Bioenergetic Field of the individual, promoting internal wellbeing whereas the MagHealy addresses the Bioenergetic Field of space through a pulsating magnetic field aimed at harmonizing your surroundings.
Together, they create a powerful synergy, like an orchestra performing a frequency symphony
Microcurrent frequency programs help boost your ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) -- the energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things. ATP captures chemical energy obtained from the breakdown of food molecules and releases it to fuel other cellular processes) production, protein synthesis, and amino acid transport.
When you use vibration via the Healy Resonance app you are able to utilize the quantum sensor to remotely scan and/or modulate frequency vibrations (Vitamin V). Because of quantum entanglement, your Resonance app vibration program information is broadcast to yourself, instantaneously, with no distance or obstacle limitations. These vibrations are custom modulated for you continuously.
The Maghealy is the latest and revolutionary innovation by Healy World, the creators of the popular Healy Resonance Device. It has been designed to support you in harmonizing your surroundings through the emission of a magnetic field.
The MagHealy’s pulsation covers a diameter of up to 3 meters and extends even further through resonance. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of magnetic field applications within your entire surroundings. The MagHealy is effective on the body, mind, and environment.
“Healy is the Car and Water is the Road.” ~ Nuno Nina

Healy cases
- You never have to take it off to charge it, scan the QR code, or take out the Tesla coil!
All other cases you have to take them off to charge your Healy or take the Tesla Coil out.
- Open in front and back! You can see control lights. Back open so you can use the Clip
Note: Will not work with older Healy's with the plastic clip without removing the clip.
Available in various colors
Contact me if you would like to purchase a Healy case.

* Notice: The Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs of the Healy are not medical applications. They are not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose or prevent disease, and have not been reviewed by the FDA. The information on these pages is for reference and educational purposes only. It should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always seek such advice from a qualified medical professional. Healy World, with the advice of its medical advisory board, allows its Members to only make claims that are contained in company materials meant for public distribution. Please contact the company concerning any claims about which you have questions.